Expert system of choice of the optimum strategy for managing the production of entomophages


  • Irina S. Chernova Engineering and Technological Institute "Biotechnica" National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • Vitaliy P. Lysenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



expert system, optimal management strategy, production of entomophages, method of analysis of hierarchies, information model, algorithm


The work is devoted to the development of an intelligent decision support system in the production of entomophages, in particular, an expert system for choosing the optimal production management strategy, using at the same time the methods of analysis of T. Saati hierarchies, structural synthesis and the system of computer mathematics Scilab. An expert system, an information model and an algorithm for choosing the optimal management strategy for the production of entomophages have been developed using the analysis of scientific works related to the chosen research area; the process of choosing the optimal strategy is automated using the Scilab computer mathematics system. The structure of the expert system is decomposed into: goal (choice of the optimal management strategy for the production of entomophages), criteria (production strategies: innovative transformations, changes in the organization of production, diversification of production), alternatives (strategies for managing the production of entomophages: minimization of production cost and maximization of production profit). The algorithm for choosing the optimal strategy for managing the production of entomophages consists of: definition of the goal, criteria, alternatives; construction of matrices of paired comparisons, their normalization to obtain relative weighting coefficients of criteria and alternatives; calculation of weight coefficients as average values of the corresponding rows of normalized matrices; checking columns of normalized matrices; calculation of the combined weight of alternatives; making decisions about choosing the optimal strategy based on the criterion of maximizing the combined weight. The proposed approach allows comparison of qualitatively different production strategies. Based on the calculations, it was determined that the maximization of the profit of entomophages production is the optimal management strategy, the choice is consistent in accordance with the paired comparisons of criteria and alternatives.

Author Biographies

Irina S. Chernova , Engineering and Technological Institute "Biotechnica" National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Leading researcher of the Research Department of Automation, Instrumentation and Experimental Equipment

Vitaliy P. Lysenko , National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Automation and Robotic Systems named after academician I. I. Martynenko


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MCCS_Supervision and Management in an Individual Fields