Use of peer-to-peer networks for secured communication




peer-to-peer network, distributed hash tables, asymmetric encryption, web of trust, authentication, graph


Peculiarities of the applied application of peering networks are considered (every node is equal; it can be both a client and a server). Mathematically, a decentralized network can be represented as a graph. The reasons for the emergence of peering networks are analyzed (low load on the client processor, the need to provide access to data and joint work on data). The classification of P2P networks according to three characteristics (functions, degree of centralization and method of connection) is also considered. The relevance and perspective of their application for personal communication, especially for data exchange within the company (required data security, fault tolerance and independence from Internet access) are determined.

A peering network organization model is proposed, which provides for increased data security (messages, files, audio, user settings, etc.), reliable authentication of nodes (based on a combination of manual key distribution and trust network principles), scalability of the network itself and expansion of its functional capabilities (sending text, files, support for audio, video, etc.). The software implementation should work on most modern devices and operating systems (Android, IOS, Windows, MacOS). The created model makes it possible to increase security due to the combination of various cryptographic algorithms and data exchange protocols. Data exchange is based on the Tox protocol, which involves the use of distributed hash tables and asymmetric encryption. Data transport using the Tox protocol is organized based on TCP and UDP. A graphic representation of the above-described model is given, as well as a key exchange scheme between nodes. The data is also stored at the node in a protected form, and it can be read only if the key is present.

Author Biographies

Leonid M. Kupershtein , Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph.D., associate professor of the department of information protection

Mykhailo D. Krentsin , Vinnytsia National Technical University


PhD student of the department of information protection

Andrii V. Prytula , Vinnytsia National Technical University

master of information protection department


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MCCS_Supervision and Management in an Individual Fields