Analysis of the working efficiency of the unified power quality regulator to change voltage fluctuations


  • Mykhailo Josephovich Burbelo Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Denys Yuriiovych Lebed Vinnytsia National Technical University



voltage fluctuations, sharply variable load, quality of electrical energy, graphs of electric loads, source of oscillations


Improving the quality of electricity is an urgent task for the development of the electric power industry, aimed at reducing electricity losses, increasing the service life of electrical equipment, and ensuring conditions for the normal technological process of electricity consumers. This article shows the analysis of the effectiveness of the application of a unified power quality regulator (UPQR) to minimize the range of voltage fluctuations (VQ), flicker dose and general harmonic distortion in the distribution system, which, as a result, improves the quality of electricity. The final simulation of the study is carried out using MATLAB/Simulink. To demonstrate the performance of URYAE, an analysis of the effectiveness of compensation of voltage fluctuations and the flicker indicator was carried out. URYAE was studied on the example of generation of active and reactive power of URYAE into the network and efficiency of compensation of passive current components. The initial data for performing calculations of voltage fluctuations are information on the parameters of the electrical network and a schedule of a random, rapidly changing electrical load, which causes changes in the network voltage, the swings of which can reach large values, for example, due to the inclusion of an asynchronous motor with a large starting current. Such phenomena are also caused by technological installations with a rapidly changing mode of operation, which is accompanied by active and reactive power surges and discharges by consumers such as welding machines, etc. The main objective of the study is to improve the quality of electricity, increase the service life of electrical equipment and ensure the conditions for the normal technological process of electricity consumers. The indicators characterizing the KN were considered: the range of voltage change (Ut) and the flicker dose (Pt). The purpose of the work is to analyze the efficiency of the URYAE with rapidly changing and non-linear load.

Author Biographies

Mykhailo Josephovich Burbelo , Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department of Electrical Systems of Power and Energy Management

Denys Yuriiovych Lebed , Vinnytsia National Technical University

graduate student of the department



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MCCS_Control and Measurement in Energy